Cryptics Cricket Club News story


27 Jul 2020


Before Activity

During Activity

During Matches

After Matches

Check for symptoms of Covid-19

Maximum group size of 30

Keep Socially distanced at all times (wicketkeeper & slips 1m+)

Sanitize hands

Practice strong hand hygiene at all times

Keep Socially distanced at all times (wicketkeeper & slips 1m+)

Hygiene breaks every 6 overs or 20 minutes. To include cleaning the ball.

Exit socially distanced

Facility compliant with Government guidance

No Sweat or saliva on the ball

Umpire must not handle the ball or receive any items from the bowler

Social gathering allowed but MUST be in line with Government guidance

Risk assessment carried out related to Covid-19

Hand sanitizer used at all breaks

Ball returned directly to the bowler

One person responsible for collecting & cleaning shared equipment

Keep records of attendees to support NHS Track & trace


Batter to run in distinctly marked running lanes

Any inflection within a participant’s household reported to NHS Track & Trace

Meet up times reduced


Players provide own food and drinks

