Cryptics Cricket Club News story

2015 AGM

06 Apr 2015

The 2015 AGM took place prior to the Annual Dinner.   It marked some significant changes. Outgoing President, Andrew Lewis, was thanked for his tremendous contribution to the Club, especially considering his recent illness.  Mark Williams was duly elected as the new President.

Hon Gen Secretary, Dougie Dalrymple, stood down after 16 years.  When Harold Fawcus retired after 50 years in 1999 Dougie was one of the four who took on different aspects of his role.  Dougie has been the longest-serving of the four and during his time has ensured the core functions of the Club have been sustained with wonderful humour and expertise during the reigns of four Presidents.  Ed Montague was duly elected to replace him and had a net at the Committee Meeting prior to the AGM. 

David Fawcus was elected to the role of Hon Treasurer for a second time.  He was thanked for the enormous amount he has already done to get the accounts into a strong position for the future.  The 2013 and 2014 Accounts were presented and accepted by the Meeting.  He is putting systems in place to ensure the better financial management of the Club in the future.

Discussion took place about the new web-site and decisions taken about how to progress key aspects.  William Buckland has been leading on this and will continue to do so, supported by Nick Priestnall.

The Second Century Draw Club is well under way;  the special Dinner draw took place with Andrew Lewis pulling out the winning numbers.  
