Cryptics Cricket Club News story


29 Mar 2015

The Cryptics had a splendid Annual Dinner at OU OTC on Saturday 28th March.  Guest Speaker Sir John Royce entertained us superbly; we were delighted to welcome him and his wife.  

In addition to the "normal" proceedings there were two presentations.  

Dougie Dalrymple paid tribute to retiring President Andrew Lewis and presented him on behalf of the Club with a painting of Lord's, a permanent memento of his period of office.  He spoke of the outstanding contribution Andrew has made to Club over his five years.  Unusually for a President he has needed to replace all the Officers and has successfully recruited four new secretaries and seen them into office, thus ensuring continuity for the Club.  It was wonderful to see him at the dinner as he recovers from his recent illness.  We wish him well on his way to full health.    

David Fawcus presented outgoing Hon Gen Secretary, Dougie Dalrymple, with a painting of a Cryptics match during the Millennium  Festival of Wandering Cricket.  David thanked Dougie for his outstanding service to the Club in so many ways over 16 years.  Dougie responded with his usual wit and humour.  
