I hope that all Cryptics and their families have had a safe and happy holiday season and I wish you all the best for 2021!
The new Club shop has generated great interest and we look forward to seeing lots of smartly turned out Cryptics on cricket fields this summer. If you haven't yet bought your new kit why not take a look here. We have negotiated a discount weekend for the Cryptics and will let you know when this is happening.
We are in touch with the OUOTC about the Annual Dinner and with Valencia CC about the tour. As soon as we have more news about both of those we will let members have it.
The Draw Club has increased Prize Money! If you are not yet a member please join. Proceeds from the Draw Club subsidize young Cryptics playing for the Club. Contact Nick Hodgson (n.hodgson@virgin.net)
Nick Priestnall
President, Cryptics Cricket Club