Cryptics Cricket Club News story


02 May 2016

Hi ##firstname##,

The 2016 season is under way.  Match Managers are busy recruiting their teams but it is down to all players to be pro-active and contact Match Managers to let them know in which matches they would like to play. We are trying to make this as easy as possible.  

First thing you can do is to go to the 2016 Season - Match Details tab at the left on the top menu and click on the iCalendar export button on the right and have all the fixtures added to your Outlook or Google diary.  Brilliant.  You always know what is coming up. 

Then, if you haven't already done so, please look at the Fixtures and contact the Match Managers to indicate your availability. 

You can do this by going to the website, reviewing the Fixtures and emailing the Match Manager directly from the link here.  (www,

OR you can log in to the Members Area and indicate your availability for multiple matches there; the system will automatically email all the relevant Match Managers and include you in the Teamlist. 

While in your Profile you can check we have the best contact details for you and update them if necessary.

In case you have forgotten your log in details, here they are:

Login : ##login##
Password : ##password##

Hopefully everyone will play at least three matches for the Club in the season.  If this happens we shall have good teams for every match and very happy Match Managers.

We look forward to seeing you on the pitch soon.

On behalf of the Cryptics Cricket Club
