Dear ##firstname##
I am delighted to wish you and your family all the best for 2020.
It is with sadness that I write that former Club President Simon Westhead died just before Christmas. Simon came on the Club’s first pre-season tour to Sporting Alfas CC in 2002, which is where I had the pleasure of getting to know him. Simon was for many years the organiser of the Northern Tour. The Club owes him much for this, for his Presidential service and his support in many ways over many years. All who knew Simon greatly enjoyed his company. Many Cryptics also know his son Nick and grandsons James and Ben, who all played for the Club in 2019. The thoughts of all Cryptics are with the family. Nick has asked me to tell Cryptics that the funeral will be on Friday 10th January at St Mary’s Parish Church Clitheroe at 2pm. If you wish to write to Nick, please ask me for his contact details (
In the near future we will be doing some work on the Club database to ensure we hold the correct contact details for you. Please see below and amend these if they are no longer correct. You can do this directly by logging in to the database.* In case you do not have your log in details to hand or have lost your password here they are;
##login## ##password##
The Club Dinner will be on Saturday 21st March in Oxford at the OUOTC. Please save the date; details to follow.
Exactly ten years ago the Cryptics were on tour in South Africa to mark the Club’s Centenary. We won four out of five matches and enjoyed time at the Cape Town Test Match. The Centenary season of 2010 saw a wonderful summer of Cryptics cricket; I look forward to another good one in 2020.
Kind regards
Nick Priestnall,
President, Cryptics Cricket Club
Your contact details on the Club database are:
##firstname## ##surname##
Address: ##address##
Mobile: ##mobile## Home: ##homephone##
* You can also reply to me with any changes and we will update the database for you.