Cryptics Cricket Club News story

Password reminder for Cryptics Cricket Club website

08 Apr 2018

Dear ##firstname##,

I am honoured to have been elected as President of the Cryptics Cricket Club and look forward to doing the best I can for the Club and its future.  Many thanks to Mark Williams for all he did during his Presidency and to the Club's Officers for all they do to make our Club run smoothly.  I am writing this to everyone whether playing or non-playing; please be kind enough to take a few minutes to read this message as it contains important information.  

Many thanks also to Sam Sargant who has taken over the Club's website. As a wandering Club it is our Pavilion, the first point of contact with so many. You can expect some changes to what you see and how it works; look out for them and let us know what you think.  You may or may not know that it is also our primary database, where we securely hold your contact details. Whether playing or non-playing please log in to your account, make sure your password meets the new security standards and your contact details and preferences are up to date. We need you to do this as part of compliance with our obligations to protect and mange your data and how we communicate with you. If you are a playing member, please log in to your profile and register your availability for matches; it is easy and quick and can all be done in one place. 

In case you haven't got them to hand please here are your details

Login : ##login##
Password : ##password##

We are a cricket club and the most important thing we do is play cricket!  The 2018 season is under way; as I write we await news of the Club's first fixtures in Malta. To achieve the standard we want I hope all playing members will aim to play at least three times each season. Non-playing members can support the Club by introducing new players, watching matches, attending dinners and participating in the Draw Club which supports our young players, the future of the Club.   

With best wishes for the season.

Nick Priestnal

President, Cryptics Cricket Club
